Information Service for Parents
On the back of the successful campaigns we’d previously delivered for Change4Life the NHS approached us to develop gamification ideas for their ‘Information Service For Parents’ initiative - where parents can register for time-sensitive films and content to guide them through pregnancy and/or rearing young children.
Our solution is an interactive board game which takes the user on a journey through pregnancy and labour and up to the age of 18 months, with a variety of question formats to convey some of the information the service provides. It was essential that we made the game accessible to as broad an audience as possible, and that we got the tone right in order to reward and empower rather than criticise. There are lots of social dynamics built into the game, and the launch plan looks to challenge husband against wife, generation against generation, to see how much we really do know about having a baby.
The game has only just soft launched so performance data is not yet available.